A surcharge is an extra fee that a business or merchant adds to the price of a purchase when payment is made using a credit card instead of cash. A Cash discount is an incentive provided to the customers of getting a discount off the menu item for using cash as a payment option. This is typically performed by increasing the menu prices to include the surcharge upcharge and cash payments would provide a discount back to the standard menu price.
General Rules and Regulations
- Clear disclosure of fees before the transaction
- Signs must be posted at the cash register or points of acceptance.
- Must clearly state that a fee of X% will be added to any payment made with a credit card at the time of the sale.
- Surcharges must be listed on receipts.
- The Surcharge must also be disclosed on the receipt for a purchase or transaction.
- The surcharge must be clear on all receipts to comply with surcharging rules for the card brands.
- Surcharges cannot exceed the cost merchants are charged
- The surcharge merchants pass on to consumers cannot exceed what credit card processors charge the merchants.
- When implementing Cash Discounts. It will be crucial to update the menu prices to have the upcharged value first.
- Please use the following documentation to update your menu pricing: Building Your Menu
- Example:
- Bottled water $1.00
- Cash Discount 4%
- The menu price for Bottled water will need to be set as $1.04.
- When Credit Card is used, the customer will be charged $1.04+tax
- When Cash is used, the customer will be charged $1.00+tax.
Setting a Credit Card Surcharge
- Click on Surcharge from the REWARDS & PAYMENTS section
- Click on the Blue Pencil Icon on the store you wish to add a surcharge to.
- Toggle the Credit Card Surcharge Option on to display the Surcharging settings.
- Enter in the following:
- Credit Card Processing Name
- Please note that the name entered here will reflect on the receipt as the surcharge.
- Example: "3% Credit card fee" will display on the receipt as "3% Credit card fee" and the amount of the surcharge for the customer to consider.
- Please note that the name entered here will reflect on the receipt as the surcharge.
- Surcharge Percentage
- This should be entered in a whole number and not a decimal
- Example:
- 3.5 Correct
- .035 Incorrect
- 3.5 Correct
- Example:
- This should be entered in a whole number and not a decimal
- Credit Card Processing Name
- Click Save
Setting a Cash Discounting
- Click on Surcharge from the REWARDS & PAYMENTS section
- Click on the Blue Pencil Icon on the store you wish to add a surcharge to.
- Toggle the option for Cash Discount option to enable the settings for Cash Discounting.
- Enter in the following:
- Cash Discount Name
- Please note that the name entered here will reflect on the receipt as the Cash Discount.
- Example: "3% Cash Discount" will display on the receipt as "3% Cash Discount" and the amount of the Discount for the customer to consider.
- Please note that the name entered here will reflect on the receipt as the Cash Discount.
- Discount Percentage
- This should be entered in a whole number and not a decimal
- Example:
- 3.5 Correct
- .035 Incorrect
- 3.5 Correct
- Example:
- This should be entered in a whole number and not a decimal
- Cash Discount Name
- Click Save
Additional Resources and Help!
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