The menu will be how the products/items are organized and listed on the app for creating orders and sales. You will need to create a name for the menu, assign the stores that will use that menu, and create the categories, items, and modifiers that will be attached to the menu. For details on how the menu will be listed on the app. Please reference the app article Entering items on a order

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Step 1: Menus

  1. Select the Green New Menu tab and you will be directed to the menu creation page
  2. Create a name for the menu and you will have the option to start creating categories and items that will be associated to your menu directly from this section
  3. Any categories or items created inside the menu section will also be listed inside the individual category and item page links
  4. Leaving the menu section without saving your changes will prompt a confirmation message to continue
  5. Changing the positions of categories you can drag and drop the cards into their positions
  6. Changing the positions of items and modifiers you can use the up/down arrows to sort ascending/descending. Or simply drag and drop the selection into the positions needed
  7. Deleting any categories or items from the menu will remove them from being listed on that menu. However they will still be listed inside the individual category and item pages. Deleting from the individual pages will permanently remove the category and items as being listed

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Menu availability allows your restaurant to cater to multiple timed menus per day.
All Day Menu
Breakfast Menu
Day of the Week Special Menu: Tuesday Special

  1. From the Menu Section
  2. Click on the Blue Pencil Icon on the menu you wish to change availability
  3. Click on Menu Availability
  4. Within the Edit Menu Availability screen make the desired changes
    1. Set start and end times for the date.
    2. Clicking the small x by the time will ensure that day is set as Not Available
  5. Click Save 
  6. Click Save

- Menu Availability

- Setting a Not available day

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Step 2: Categories

Categories are used as way to organize the items and modifiers that will be sold on the menu. Creates a standardized work flow for the employees to navigate the menu<categories<items for entering in their orders on the app. Any of the below category related settings will automatically be passed down to all the items associated to it

  1. Select the green + to create new categories assigned to your menu. For any previously created categories you can select the green chain-link icon to attach those categories to your menu
  2. The create new category window will be displayed with the following options listed

General Options

  1. Name to be displayed on the menu
  2. Edit pencil top right hand corner will display a color selection. The color will be displayed as the border around the button on the app
  3. Reporting Group will link the items sold attached to the category into specific reporting sections for sales reports
  4. General description of what the category will be used for

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Category Options

  1. Printer assignment for previously created printers to route/print the orders
  2. Tax Group that will pull the assigned tax rates
  3. Sub-Category to organize the menu more efficiently. You will have a max of four direct links to one specific category allowed
  4. Items attached directly to the main category without the need for a sub-category. Common example would be beverages
  5. Attach modifiers and modifier groups directly

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Step 3: Sub-Categories

  1. Sub-Categories are categories that have been created and assigned to a parent category. They will have the same options as listed mentioned previously for categories
  2. Common setup would be a category of food and sub-category of things like appetizers, sandwiches, salads that would be linked to the main food category
  3. The selected category<sub-category<items will be highlighted in blue. Selecting each category card will display the respective sub-categories and items that have been linked to it

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Step 4: Items

Items will be the products that will be selected for placing orders and selling on the app. Below will be a list of settings that can applied when creating or editing items from the menu

  1. Now that your categories are created the next step will be creating or attaching items to those categories
  2. Select the green + to create a new item tied to the category. For any previously created items you can select the green chain-link icon to attach those items to the categories
  3. The create new item window will be displayed with the following options. Listed below will be the new options tied to items not mentioned before with categories

General Options

  1. Name that will be displayed on receipts and shown on the app
  2. Ticket name that will be displayed on the sent order tickets to be made
  3. Description of the item usually will be recipes or ingredients listed
  4. UPC or barcode tied to the item for scanning

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Pricing Options

  1. Pricing can have two options default or manual entry. Default will be the price that is listed
  2. Manual entry will prompt for the user to enter in a custom price when that menu item is selected. Common examples for manual entry are open items
  3. Price Includes Tax: This can can be toggled on to ensure that the price factors that tax is included.
    1. Example $5.00 with tax included at a 9% tax would be based off off. $4.59 Sale Price with $0.41 cent tax.
    2. Generally this setting is used to assist with accounting and speed of transactions.  Having even numbers will reduce processing times of counting out cash and will balance out in reports with more ease.
  4. The blue edit pencil will open an advanced pricing window. This will allow for the item to use different pricing per store 
  5. Cost will be the dollar food cost amount for the item. Entering in the cost will provide food cost % for sales reporting. Selecting the blue edit pencil will allow you to apply different cost on the item by store

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Addons and Modifiers

Add Ons are a required selection when item is entered that can have customized pricing. These are typically things like drink sizes. Enter the name of the add on and the price. If the price is $0.00 it will still be required to be entered
  1. Enter the name of the add on, price, and create
  2. Options to edit the add on price by selecting the blue edit pencil icon. Enter the new price and save by selecting the green save icon
  3. Remove the add on entry with the red trash can icon

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Modifiers are additional options tied to an item to provide more ordering selections when placing an order. Default modifiers are usually the ingredients that come with that specific item. These will be add/remove selections that be toggled on/off the item
  1. Auto prompt modifiers will automatically pop up the modifier and modifier group list when the item is selected. If auto prompt is off then the user will swipe left on the item and select the modify option on the app
  2. Number of free modifiers means the modifier has a free charge until the number required selections is made. The rest of the selections will apply the modifier charge automatically
  3. Select the blue modifiers tab and your modifier options selector window will be displayed
  4. You can search for any existing the modifiers, create a new modifier, or use the search filter options.  Select/Toggle on the modifier and those selections will be listed in blue. The quantity of selections will be listed in the top left corner
  5. Hit save and your modifiers will be listed on that item

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Modifier groups are a list of modifiers attached together organized for more comprehensive item selections. Modifier groups will first need to be created inside the modifier group section and then can be attached to the item. Details regarding modifier groups can be found here Creating Modifier Groups

  1. Select the blue modifier group tab and your options selector window will be displayed
  2. Modifier groups created will be displayed where you can select/toggle on your selection
  3. Hit save and your modifier group will be listed on that item

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Editing Categories and Items

  1. Selecting the blue edit pencil icon will reopen the page to make any changes to any settings applied
  2. Items will have two quick edit/view options. Once the item is highlighted select the properties tab in the right corner and the item name, price, tax group will be shown and can be edited
  3. Selecting the modifiers tab will display any modifiers or modifier groups associated to the item
  4. When finished simply select the tab again and the quick edit screen will be collapsed

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Additional Resources and Help!

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NOTE: If emailing, please include your business name in the subject line of the email

and provide your preferred contact information for the best response time.

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