Step 1: Payment Page
- When items on the order has been sent the payment page will become accessible
- From the payment page you will be able to organize items, print receipts, modify the order total, and finalize the transaction
- The top heading will list the order start date/time, employee name, order section name and identifier, and the red back arrow button
- The bottom section will list the remaining balance from the payments applied, the order subtotal, taxes, and grand total
- By default the item seat number details will not be visible just the seat total. For viewing the seat details simply select the blue seat number heading and the items will be shown under the seat
- The red back arrow when selected will take you back to the ordering tab section
- Open order tab will reopen the order back to the menu/ordering page to make any edits to the order as needed
- When ready to finalize the transaction select the red finalize order button at the bottom
- Finalize order will change to processing payment indicating the payment and transaction information is being synced back to EZ Dine Studio
Step 2: Move Items
- Selecting the move items tab will open the seat management section
- Inside seat management you will have the ability to move individual items or the entire seat from one seat to another
- Simply drag and drop the item or entire seat to the desired seat location. The drop area will be anywhere inside the seat's blue background
- When finished hit close and you will return back to the payment page
Step 3: Printing Receipts
- The print icon next to the seat number will print the individual customer receipt for that seat
- Once the seat balance is paid the same print icon will print the finalized receipt for that seat
- Printing all the customer receipt seats at once can be done by selecting the print seats tab
- For printing a single customer receipt for the entire order can be done by selecting the print order tab. This will print one receipt listing each seat's total individually on the receipt
- When finalizing an order you will have multiple finalized printing options that can be set on Studio
- Finalized receipt printing is OFF: The print finalized receipt option will be hidden on all orders
- Finalized receipt printing is ON: The print finalized receipt option will be checked automatically. You will have the option to uncheck the finalized print option as needed
- Finalized receipt printing prompt: The print finalized receipt option will be unchecked and can be turned on as needed per order
Printing Receipts
Finalized Receipt Printing Off
Finalized Receipt Printing On
Finalized Receipt Printing Prompt
Additional Resources and Help!
Still have questions? Please contact us any time at [email protected].
NOTE: If emailing, please include your business name in the subject line of the email
and provide your preferred contact information for the best response time.
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