Device Management

  1. Click on Store Devices from within the DEVICES Section of EZ Studio
  2. Expand the store selection and you will see a list of registered devices connected to the store
  3. In this section, you will have the ability to edit the following devices:
    1. Point of Sale devices: Proceed to Managing POS devices Section
    2. Printer: Proceed to Managing Printers section

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Managing POS Devices

  1. Click on the Blue Pencil Icon to edit your POS settings.
    1. If No devices are present, please use the following article to authenticate your tablet: Registering your Android Device
  2. With the Edit Device Window you can edit the following:
    1. Name: When a device is authenticated, a randomly generated name is applied to it.  You will be able to edit name into another easily recognizable name.
    2. Device Status: You can toggle the active status of the device.
      1. By Default when a device is authenticated, this will be enabled.  If a device is no longer in use for any reason, setting this to the gray off position will removed it as an active device.
    3. Receipt printer: You can select a printer to use as your receipt printer. 
      1. If no printer is listed, Please proceed to Managing Printers section
  3. Click Save

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Managing Printers

Adding a new printer

  1. Click on the Green Plus icon to create a new printer
  2. Within the Create new Printer screen you can set up the following:
    1. Name: Provide a recognizable name for your printer
    2. Type
      1. Receipt: These printers are associated with your POS printer and will be used for this.
        1. Use Cash Drawer setting will also be available for linking this type of printer.  If your pos uses a cash drawer, Please ensure this setting is in the Blue on position.
        2. In addition, POS receipt printers can also serve as a remote kitchen/bar printer when assigned in the menu. A common use is using a POS receipt printer at the bar as the bar printer.
      2. Kitchen: These printers are associated with the menu and will be used to send tickets to those printers.
        1. Locations can have multiple kitchen printers for use. In these instances, setting up additional printers will require unique names.
          1. Common names
            1. Kitchen
            2. Pantry
            3. Grill
            4. Fry
            5. Bar
    3. IP: Used for associating the ip address of your printer.
  3. Click Save

Receipt printer example

Multiple Kitchen Printer Setup example

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How to edit a printer

  1. Click on the Blue Pencil icon next to the printer needing changes to pull up the edit printer screen.
  2. Make your edits desired changes
  3. Click Save

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How to remove a printer

  1. Click on the Red Trash Can Icon next to the printer needing removal to pull up the confirmation window.
  2. Click Delete to confirm

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Additional Resources and Help!

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