In this section, you will learn how to:

Create and Deleting Table Layouts
Adding and Removing Tables
Utilizing the tools to assist with managing the table layouts.

Managing Table Layouts

How to access the Table Layouts Section

  1. Click on Table Layout from the LAYOUT section within Studio.

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How to create a new Table Layout

  1. Click on the store you are wishing to edit.
  2. Click on the "Create Table Layout" Option within the store list you expanded.
  3. Provide a name for this Table Layout
  4. A description is optional, but will help provide more information about the section.
  5. Add tables to layout. More details can be found in the Managing Tables section of this knowledge document.
  6. Click Save

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How to Delete a Table Layout

  1. Click on the red trash can icon to pull up the delete confirmation box.
  2. Click Delete

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Managing Tables

How to add tables to the layout

  1. From the Edit Screen, click on the table type to add
    1. Currently there are two types:
      1. Rectangle Table
      2. Square Table
  2. Drag and drop the table into the middle section to the position desired.
    1. This table can also be re-sized by clicking on the arrow on the lower right side of the table, then dragging to the desires.
  3. Click on the table to highlight it with a circle dash box
  4. Click on the Name Tag Tool to provide a name and the Seat Count.
    1. The name tag tool will be grayed out, but will turn blue when a table is highlighted.
    2. Note: This seat count will correlate with number of guests within the app.
  5. Click Save

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How to use the Delete Tool

  1. Click on the table you wish to delete
    1. This will highlight the table with a circling dash outline
    2. The Delete button will then enable
  2. Click on the Red Trash Can Icon to delete the table
  3. Click Save

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How to use the Multi-Select Tool

  1. Click on the double check mark icon to activate multi-select mode.
    1. This will be gray when off and blue when on.
  2. Click on every table needing to be selected
  3. Perform changes as needed to all the selected tables
  4. Click Save

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How to use the Alignment Tool

  1. Enable the Multi-Select - Click here to review the instructions for using this tool
  2. Highlight the tables needing to be aligned
    1. This will turn the alignment tool on (blue)
  3. Click on the Alignment tool and choose the alignment type for the tables.
  4. The tables will not be aligned automatically
  5. Click Save

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How to use the Copy Table Tool

  1. Click on the table you wish to copy
  2. Click on the Double Paper icon to pull up the copy options
  3. Type the number of copies desired in Copy Count
    1. NOTE: You will only make only as many copies as the layout section allows. Every extra copy that would be created will not generate beyond confines of the layout section.
  4. Choose the Placement
    1. Top - Create tables above the selected table
    2. Bottom - Create tables below the selected table
    3. Left - Create tables to the left of the selected table
    4. Right - Create tables to the right of the selected table
  5. Click Apply to create the tables
  6. Click Save

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