- Step 1: Timesheet Details
- Step 2: Timesheet Summary
- Step 3: Labor By Task
- Additional Resources and Help!
All Timesheet reports will be calculated based on the store Report & Labor settings. For calculating the hours worked into minutes you would multiply the minutes by 60 to get 100% of the hr. Example 6.40 hours worked would translate to 6hrs 24 minutes. .40*60 = 24
Step 1: Timesheet Details
Considered the main labor report which will list each employees date, task, pay-rate, hours, and pay amount per clock in/out date and then total each column for the date range
Step 2: Timesheet Summary
Similar to the timesheet details in the information listed. Instead of listing each clock in/out date separately it will provide an overall summary of the employee information for the date range ran for
Step 3: Labor By Task
Provides a summary of hours, pay, tips, and the labor percentages by employee task. Helps determine which areas of labor has the highest labor cost. For calculating the Labor/Sales % it would be the Net Sales/Total Pay for the date range selected
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