Step 1: Retrieving the HSN number from the Card Reader

The HSN number is a device specific identifier that is tied to the merchant credit card processing account. This is required to connect the credit card reader to the EZ Dine app in order to process credit card transactions

Step 2: Clover Flex Card Reader

  1. The clover flex will be a wireless card reader connected to the PCI secured posezdine wireless network
  2. Once the clover flex is connected and online the cardpointe integrated terminal home screen will be displayed
  3. On the home screen select the four corners simultaneously and you will be taken to the welcome screen. The card reader status will say connected indicating the card reader is active for use
  4. Select the admin panel and you will see the HSN number listed
  5. For returning back to the home screen hit the back arrow located at the top left of the cardponte admin panel. Then from the welcome screen select customer mode and then okay 

Home screen to enter admin mode

HSN number located inside the admin panel

Customer Mode

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Step 3: Ingenico Lane 3000 Card Reader

  1. The ingenico lane 3000 card reader will be a hardwired connection through the PCI secured EZ Dine network switch
  2. Once the ingenico lane 3000 is connected and online the cardpointe integrated terminal home screen will be displayed showing a status of connected
  3. The HSN number will listed at the top of the home screen. This will be a 24 digit number

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Step 4: Ingenico iSMP4 Card Reader

             Ingenico Link/2500 Card Reader

  1. The ingenico iSMP4 and Link/2500 will be a wireless card reader connected through the PCI secured posezdine wireless network
  2. Power on the card reader by selecting the power button located on the top right side of the card reader
  3.  The cardpointe integrated terminal home screen will be shown. The HSN number will be listed at the top of the screen which will be a 15 digit number. Link/2500 will be a 24 digit HSN number
  4.  Bottom of the screen will list the card reader as being disconnected. This means the card reader requires setup of the   wireless network
  5. You will need to access the admin menu to select the posezdine wireless network and enter the wireless password
  6. Select F on the keypad and enter the password CCMerchant. Green enter button to continue
  7. Press F2 for the down option and select configuration. Green enter button to continue. Link/2500 press F3 for the down option
  8. Press F2 for down and select wifi. Green enter button to continue. Link/2500 press F3 for the down option
  9. Select scan for networks. Green enter button to continue. Scanning network percentage screen will be shown
  10. Select the posezdine wireless network. Green enter button to continue
  11. Select home. Green enter button to continue
  12. Enter the wifi password. On the keypad F1 = Left. F2 = Down. F3 = UP. F4 = Right. Link/2500 F2=UP. F3 = Down
  13. Once the wifi password is entered select the green enter button to continue
  14. Press the red x button to until your back to the admin menu
  15. Press F2 and select restart terminal to save changes. Link/2500 press F3
  16. Once the card reader terminal reboots back up it will say connected on the bottom of the screen 


Link 2500

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Step 5: Assigning the Card Reader to the EZ Dine App

  1. Connecting the card reader can be done through the manager section of the EZ Dine app. Employee manager permission access will be required
  2. Select the manager tab from the EZ Dine app control center page
  3. The card reader setup option will have a red asterisk indicating configuration is required
  4. Select card reader setup and you will see the assign card reader window
  5. Enter the HSN number listed tied to the card reader. Once the HSN number is confirmed to be valid the red asterisk will be removed
The HSN number should be entered in the exact same format listed on the card reader. Which for the letters will be in All Caps
  1. Once saved the HSN window will close and pop-up message confirming the card reader has been successfully assigned will be shown
  2. The EZ Dine app will now be linked to the Credit Card Reader and ready to process credit card transactions

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